By Andre and Mary-Anne Rabe

Featured book
Processing Mimetic Reality
By Andre Rabe
Rabe’s groundbreaking work moves the philosopher Whitehead’s metaphysics of beauty, creativity and freedom into deep dialogue with Girard’s anthropological approach to the human predicament so that each of these major thinkers offers a corrective and complement of the other. By meticulously analyzing and revisiting Girard’s concept of mimetic desire through Whitehead’s categories, this highly original and creative study provides a detailed blueprint for moving forward with constructive interpretations of mimetic desire and Girard’s work. At the same time, Rabe shows how Girard’s anthropology practically grounds Whitehead’s speculative metaphysics in an historical way, showing surprising congruences in their thought. Essential reading for anyone interested in constructive Girardian possibilities or deeper understanding of either of these two giants of the 20th century.
— Rebecca Adams, Independent Scholar, Member of The Colloquium on Violence and Religion, and former Managing Editor of the Journal of Religion and Literature at the University of Notre Dame.
The explosive work of Alfred North Whitehead and René Girard continue to inspire distinctive trajectories of research and application, from the sciences, to philosophy, theology, and religion. Writing with both clarity and conviction, Andre Rabe’s work is at the cutting edge of growing interest in metaphysics and mimesis and their relationship to each other.
— Andrew M. Davis, Ph.D., Program Director of the Center for Process Studies, author of Metaphysics of Exo-Life: Toward a Constructive Whiteheadian Cosmotheology
Merging the revelatory anthropology of René Girard with the creation philosophy of Alfred Whitehead is a romance that needed to be written! And Andre Rabe has done just that, achieving a theological breakthrough while bringing urgently needed springtime to Girardian mimetic theory. Rabe’s work is a profound, moving, lucid synthesis of two of the seminal thinkers of the modern era. A truly vital contemporary work of anthropological theology!
— Anthony Bartlett, Ph.D, Theologian, philosopher and founder of the Bethany Center for Nonviolent Theology and Spirituality, author of Signs of Change, The Bible’s Evolution of Divine Nonviolence
Andre Rabe does a masterful job of bringing together two of the most important and influential thinkers of the last century. The result is a promising proposal for how to think well in our current age. Get this book!
— Thomas Jay Oord, Ph. D., Director of the Center for Open and Relational Theology, author of Pluriform Love: An Open and Relational Theology of Well-Being
With Rabe’s ambidextrous approach (Whitehead-informed metaphysics on the one hand and Girard-informed anthropology on the other), the world has been gifted something unique and, in turn, has had its overall uniqueness increased! I’m so excited this book is a reality. It is my new go-to-resource for all things living at the intersection of process theology and psychoanalytic desire.
— Jonathan J. Foster, Th.D., author of Theology of Consent: Mimetic Theory in an Open and Relational Universe

Featured Book
Creative Chaos
By Andre Rabe
Chaos may seem an unlikely source of creativity, but below its senseless surface lies a swirling depth of possibilities. Every person enters a world that is already filled with symbols, meanings, and stories. No-one starts with a blank canvas, rather, we find ourselves thrust into a matrix of narratives. Yet, something truly new is possible amid this chaos. Time is a space in which these stories can be reassembled, reinterpreted, and ordered in a way that gives particular meaning to my life.
In reading Creative Chaos by Andre Rabe, I discovered to my joy that theology can still be both intellectually profound and profoundly moving. Rarely in recent years have I come across such an excitingly transformative reflection on the hidden meaning of Christianity. Informed not only by biblical scholarship but also by the sciences and an awareness of the brutal history of human violence, this succinct work digs deep beneath conventional Christian thought in search of enlivening currents of meaning crusted over by centuries of dubious religious assumptions. Readers will find in this surprising text that both Christian teachers and their sophisticated opponents have too often blunted rather than exposing the meaning of divine creation, redemption, the crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. I strongly recommend this book as one not only to be read but also reread.
– John Haught, Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Theology at Georgetown University.

Featured book
You’re Amazing
Children’s book by Mary-Anne Rabe
Things aren’t always as they seem and sometimes we may discover that we are more than we might have believed. Join Oddy in his journey to discovering how amazing he really is! To enhance children’s reading of the story, links to an audio file of the book and two fun songs for them to sing along have been included.

Featured book
Desire Found Me
By Andre Rabe
Exploring the unconscious movements of desire – how they form us, connect us, shape our greatest ideas, mold our societies, influence human history and ultimately, how they are unveiled.
Andre Rabe’s brilliance as scholar and teacher combines in this epic study on Mimetic Theology. He boldly tackles many traditional beliefs and superstitions, providing insights that would shift paradigms for many! Rabe weaves the narratives that were told for centuries into the historic setting of Israel and the cultural scope within which many of the Bible authors lived, shedding light on our mimetic history. He thereby gives fresh context to Jesus Christ. Rabe’s vision of Mimetic Atonement is giving profound new language to theology.
–Francois du Toit, Author of The Mirror Bible